Terms and Conditions



1. Through this public offer, “SkyLabs Technology” LLC, based on the agency contract signed with “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD, acting as the agent of “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD, introduces the essential terms of the contract for the sale of cryptocurrency belonging to the “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD by the Sky Labs electronic system operator and through the Sky Labs electronic system.

2. By accepting (approving) this public offer, the individual aimed to trade cryptocurrency through the Sky Labs electronic system, confirms that he / she has fully acquainted with the electronic trading system provided by Sky Labs, and accepts the terms and conditions of the services provided by Sky Labs electronic system operator in full scope and unconditionally accepts them.

3. When signing a cryptocurrency trading agreement, “SkyLabs Technology” LLC acts on behalf of “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD as the agent of “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD.

4. “SkyLabs Technology” LLC, as an agent of “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD, enters into a cryptocurrency trading agreement with individuals on behalf of “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD, at the same time at the same time providing a service to supply the sold cryptocurrency to individuals or a service to supply the purchased cryptocurrency to “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD.

5. In exchange for signing cryptocurrency trading contracts on behalf of “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD through Sky Labs electronic system, as well as delivering the sold cryptocurrency to individuals, providing services to supply the purchased cryptocurrency to “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD, “SkyLabs Technology” LLC receives remuneration from “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD in accordance with the tariffs defined by the contract concluded with “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD.

6.This public offerta is considered accepted (approved) from the moment of registration of the individual in the Sky Labs electronic system, who wishes to trade cryptocurrency belonging to “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD through Sky Labs electronic system. From that moment, the cryptocurrency trading contract is signed between “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD and the individual wishing to trade cryptocurrency belonging to “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD through the Sky Labs electronic system in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth below.



1․The consents used in the present contract have the following meaning:


1.2. Operator - “SkyLabs Technology” LLC.

1.3. Sky Labs electronic system – a set of equipment and software owned by the Operator on the right of ownership or lease, the platform created through which is used to carry out online operations on the Internet environment and ensure the cryptocurrency trade between the Principal and the Customer.

1.4. Customer – an individual, who signs the cryptocurrency, which belongs to “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD, trading contract through Sky Labs electronic system in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract.

1.5. Password - a combination of numbers, letters and symbols created by the Customer, which is used by the Sky Labs electronic system for thr Customer identification, allowing the Customer to access the Sky Labs electronic system platform and sign a cryptocurrency trading agreement with “SKYNET DEVELOPMENT GROUP” LTD.

1.6. Standard user - a Customer, which is identified through electronic connection.

1.7. Premium user - a Customer, which is identified by visiting the Operator’s office and submitting the identity approving document on hand to the Operator.

Mobile application - an application processed based on Android or iOS, which allows a Customer identification and lets the Customer use the Services provided by Sky Labs electronic system, as well as to exchange information between the Customer and Operator.

1.9. Official website - Sky Labs electronic system website "skylabs.am", through which, among other things, it is possible to identify the Customer, allowing them to use the Sky Labs electronic system, as well as to exchange information between the Customer and Operator.


2.1. The following sales contracts can be signed under these conditions:

2.1.1 Cryptocurrency sale agreement, according to which the Operator undertakes to sell the Cryptocurrency belonging to the Principal on behalf of the Principal through the Sky Labs electronic system at the price defined by the agreement, supplying it to the Customer.

2.1.2. Cryptocurrency purchase (acquisition) agreement, according to which the Operator undertakes to buy (acquire) cryptocurrency from the Customer on behalf of the Principal through the Sky Labs electronic system, supplying it to the Principal.

2.1.3. When signing cryptocurrency trading agreements with Customers and within the framework of those agreements, the Operator acts on behalf of Principal.


3.1. The Customer can have only one active registration in the System, unless otherwise provided by the Operator. The Operator can terminate one or all the relevant contracts, if the Operator founds out that there is more than one accounts open in the System for the same person.

3.2. The Standard user identification is performed in the following way:

3.2.1. The Customer automatically receives the instruction of online identification after downloading and launching the Mobile application, as well as after logging in to the Official website.

3.2.2. The Customer is obligated to take a photo of his/her identity document and upload it to the system. Moreover, when the identity document is a passport - it’s necessary to take a photo of the page with a picture, when the identity document is a identification card - it’s both sides.

3.2.3. After receiving the photo mentioned in 3.2.2 point of the Contract by the System’s Operator, the Customer receives an automatic order to take a selfie on the spot and download it.

3.2.4. Then, the person must take a selfie with holding his/her identity document, so that the self-portrait clearly shows the face of the person and all the data on the identity document, ensuring the clarity of the images in the photo and the readability of the text. That selfie is also uploaded to the System.

3.2.5. The photos mentioned in the 3.2.2 point are compared with the selfie mentioned in the 3.2.4 point.

3.2.6. The Customer is considered to be identified as a Standard user in case the same person is depicted in the comparative photos mentioned in 3.2.5 point of the present contract.

3.2.7. The identification of the Standard user can be performed also through Official website by the procedure established in the 3.2.2 - 3.2.6 points of the present contract.

3.3. Premium User identification is performed in the following way;

3.3.1. ՍThe Standard user visits the Operator’s office, submits his/her identity document on hand to the Operator and undergoes identification in the place. Moreover, as a result of the identification made at the Operator's office, the Operator keeps a copy of the Standard user identification document.

3.3.2. Standard user acquires the status of a Premium User after performing the actions mentioned in the 3.3.1 point of the present contract.

3.4. Each e-mail address or mobile number can be used only for receiving services through one Mobile application.

3.5. In order to identify the Customer electronically and allow the management of the Mobile application, the Customer may be provided with numbers, codes, Passwords or other requisites.


4․1․ The Operator carries out transactions with the Customer on cash in his office on hand, through terminals and in other forms.

4․2․ In order to perform any operations at the Operator's office, the Customer may be required to present an identity document, and if it is not submitted, the execution of the operation may be refused.

4․3․ Cash transactions via the terminal are carried out only with Customers, who have the status of a Standard or Premium User.

4․4․ The one-time value of the transaction made by a Standard user may not exceed 200,000 (two hundred thousand) AMD, and the daily total value of the transactions may not exceed 500,000 (five hundred thousand) AMD.

4․5․ ՀThe Customer fills in the Mobile application the identification data generated in the terminal for performing operations through the terminal. Afterwards, the Customer performs the corresponding operation, after which the Customer receives a receipt confirming the operation through the terminal.

4.6. If the operation carried out through the terminal fails, the Customer receives a message for the cancellation of the operation through the terminal, the reasons for the failure of the operation of which are indicated on it.

4.7. The operation is performed only if the balance of the Mobile application is sufficient to fulfill the Customer’s order in full, taking into account also the remuneration of the Operator. Otherwise, such operations are denied. Operations may be refused by the Operator if;

4.7.1. as a result of their execution, the legislation or the requirements established by the Operator may be violated (including the rights or legitimate interests of the Operator or a third party),

4.7.2. their execution is impossible for a reason beyond the control of the Operator,

4.7.3. in other cases established under the Legislation or the present Contract.

4.8. All operations with the terminal are displayed in the Mobile application, as well as on the Official website.

4․9․ When the amount is provided to the Customer (including the accrual of excess amounts) due to an Operator’s fault, the Operator submits a claim to the Customer for the refund of the difference, and the Customer is obligated to return the corresponding amount within 10 calendar days after receiving the Operator's request.

4․10․ The Customer is obligated to be faithful and agree to return the amounts mistakenly transferred to him/her.

4.11. The amounts entered by the Customer by mistake are not subject to return, except if the operation failed.

4.12. Using the “SkyLabs Technology” LLC electronic system, the client can also convert various cryptocurrencies between each other at the rate set by the operator at the time of conversion. At the same time, the approval of the cryptocurrency conversion transaction via the “SkyLabs Technology” LLC electronic system is at the discretion of the operator. The conversion of cryptocurrencies can be canceled by the operator if the operator believes that the client is showing unfair behavior.


5.1. The Customer has the right to:

5.1.1. use the Sky Labs electronic system in accordance with the terms of this agreement,

5.1.2. get information about the offered cryptocurrency, their trading prices և other conditions,

5.1.3. receive information on all operations performed by him/her.

5.2. The Customer is obligated to:

5.2.1. provide the Operator with accurate information and valid documents, as well as immediately inform the Operator of change of that information.

5.2.2. use the Sky Labs electronic services personally and exclusively for legitimate purposes. The Customer is responsible for providing the data of his/her Mobile application to third persons and, consequently, for transactions made by third persons using his/her Mobile application.

5.2.3. ensure confidentiality and protection of the Mobile application management details from unauthorized use.

5.2.4. refrain from using the Operator's Official website or other means used to manage the Mobile application in any way not provided under the present Contract.

5.2.5. periodically check the information about him/her contained in the Mobile application.

5.2.6.immediately inform the Operator of all identified inconsistencies and unusual circumstances and, in particular, in case of infidelity or failure to reflect any notification or order of the Mobile application.

5.2.7. in case of change, loss of the mobile phone or e-mail used to control the Mobile application, or other withdrawal from the Customer's possession, immediately notify the Operator.

5.2.8. in case of a change in the identity document that served as the basis for his/her identification, immediately notify the Operator of this by providing a copy of the changed identity document. The Customer bears all risks arising from non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligation set forth in this section.

5.3. The Operator has the right to:

5.3.1. to reject any transaction, to suspend all or part of the transaction in case of detection of error, violation or fraud, as well as in cases when the Operator has doubts about the legality of the transaction or the protection of the Mobile application management conditions from unauthorized use;

5.3.2. block the Mobile application management details or require the Customer to change them, if the protection of account management details causes the Operator doubts about unauthorized use or there is a reliable document that they belong to another person.

5.3.3. refuse to perform the operations requested by the Customer, if the Customer allows such actions, as a result of which harm may be caused to the Operator or third parties.

5.3.4. unilaterally stop providing its services,

5.3.5. acquire, process and maintain information on technical means used for managing Mobile application

5.3.6. based on changes of Legislation or the technical need, change the requirements or other conditions imposed on the Mobile application identifiers, notifying the Customer in advance,

5.3.7. inform the Premium Customers about the need to submit modified documents of expired identity documents identified during periodic monitoring of Customer data and documents identifying them. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirement established by this paragraph, within three working days upon receipt of an oral or written notification of the Operator, the Operator has the right to unilaterally change the status of the User according to the conditions satisfying the latter.

5.3.8. input additional security tools for transactions.

5.4. The Operator is obligated to:

5.4.1. apply the necessary means to ensure the proper quality of Services and access to Services within the limits of available technical capabilities,

5.4.2. provide the Customer information on operation performed by Mobile application or Official website,

5.4.3. take measures for marinating the confidentiality of exchanged information through Sky Labs electronic system,

5.4.4. inform the Customer about the occurrence, change or elimination of all circumstances that are essential for the fulfillment of the present Contract

5.4.5. perform the liabilities established by statute or by the present Contract.


6.1. In case of loss of the Mobile application management requisites, as well as there’s a suspect of them being known to third parties, the Customer is obligated to notify the Operator immediately in accordance with the procedure established by the Operator. Prior to blocking or changing the requisites, the Customer bears the risks of adverse consequences of their unauthorized use, including responsibility for losses caused to the Operator.

6.2. Each party is liable for actual damages caused to the other party during the performance of the Contract. The parties waive, refrain from claiming compensation for indirect damages or missed benefits. The Operator doesn’t bear any responsibility for any faults, errors or other wrongdoing not caused by its fault, as well as for any consequences of suspension or termination of services on the grounds provided for in this contract (including when performing maintenance work of the System).

6.3. The Customer bears all risks that may arise as a result of violation of the conditions established by the Operator, as well as non-compliance with its recommendations and indications.


7.1. The Parties shall ensure the protection of the information exchanged between them under the present Contract.

7.2. The Operator ensures the secrecy of the Customer’s personal data, performed transactions and other information. The information may be disclosed by the Operator only in those cases and to the extent required by law, necessary for the provision of services or necessary for the legitimate (including judicial) protection of the violated rights of the Operator. In all other cases, such information may be disclosed only with the consent or order of the Customer.

7.3. For the purposes of the Contract, information that could have been obtained in another way without violating secrecy requirements is not considered as confidential.

7.4. The Operator stores information and documents related to operations performed through the Mobile application for a period of at least 1 year from the date of the relevant operation.

7.5. In the case of using the ability to manage a Mobile application via a mobile phone, the expression of such a desire is considered that the Customer has authorized the Operator to contact the relevant mobile Operator or other persons and receive confirmation that the corresponding mobile phone number has been allocated to that Customer, as well as notified of disconnection, change of number, allocation of another person or termination of its service contract. Based on the information received from a third party about the suspension or termination of the Customer's use of a mobile phone, the Operator has the right, but is not obligated to prohibit the possibility of managing a Mobile application using a mobile number. The Operator has the right to demand from the Customer a written proof that the mobile phone number has been allocated to him/her.

7.6. The Customer bears all the risks of negative consequences of inaccuracy of information provided to the Operator.


8.1. All notifications under the present contract are made electronically through the Mobile application or e-mail address, unless otherwise provided by this contract.

8.2. The Customer is deemed to be duly notified of all messages, data, information and other materials sent via the Mobile application or e-mail address under this contract electronically, regardless of whether they have become actually available or not to the Customer. All notifications sent under this contract electronically via the Mobile application are considered to have been received by the client, regardless of the Customer’s actual non-seeing or non-reading of them.


9.1. This Contract is regulated and interpreted by the law of the Republic of Armenia.


10.1. The Customer is obligated to check the operations performed on the Mobile application during each calendar month, and in case of any inconsistencies, notify the Operator on them during the relevant calendar month.

10.2. If the Customer has not informed the Operator of any inconsistencies within the prescribed period, the operations performed on the Mobile application during the relevant calendar month are considered unconditionally approved and accepted by the Customer, and the Operator will not accept any further requirements and objections regarding this calendar month.

10.3. When there are any complaints or suggestions, the Customer can contact the Operator.

10.4. The Operator is obligated to respond to complaints and suggestions received within a reasonable time in compliance with the requirements established by legislation.

10.5. Written complaints of the Customer must be answered in a writing form.

10.6. The Parties should strive to resolve the disputes that have arisen amicably through negotiations and consultations.

10.7. In the absence of mutual consent to resolve the dispute, it is resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.


11.1. The Operator can, at its sole discretion, unilaterally change the terms of this contract by notifying the Customer at least 3 (three) days in advance.

11.2. The Customer dissolves the contract by immediately notifying the Operator, if not agreed.

11.3. The changes are considered unconditionally accepted by the Customer, in case of any transactions after the entry into force of the changes.

11.4. Each party may dissolve this Contract unilaterally by notifying the other party at least 10 days in advance. If the termination of the contract is caused by a violation of its terms, the party may terminate this contract unilaterally immediately after notifying the party that committed the violation.

11.5. This Contract may be terminated in other cases provided for by it.

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